A single phone call can save a life!

A lot of our journeys with the youth that we serve begin with a random phone call.
Thanks to your support, we are there to meet whatever needs are presented to us on
the other end. Our Life Coaching services extend to the youth we serve AROUND THE CLOCK. There is not a time when there is a youth seeking our assistance that we will
not respond. 

It is important for the youth, many of whom have found themselves alone in their story,
to understand that once we connect with them, they will never be alone again. 

So, I get this call at 8:30 pm on a cold, rainy Friday evening. This time not from a youth,
but from a friend of a friend of a couple who was eating at a restaurant when they
spotted a boy that they suspected to be hungry and alone. They purchased him a meal,
at which point the manager of the place, assuming him to be a homeless teen, asked if
they knew of somewhere that he could be taken. 

Three calls later, and I was on the case. You see, there is a network of organizations,
“safe places”, and transition homes that work together to ensure the safety of each
youth found in unstable conditions. We are blessed to be included in that web of vital
services to North Texas communities. 

So here was our opportunity to serve this young man by finding him a safe place to stay
so that we and others could begin the process of rewriting his story. It took some
logistics, but by 11:00 pm, there was one more young person off the streets and out of
harms way. This is just one of the over 10,000 DFW youth in need. Thank goodness
everyone decided to answer their phone on a Friday night and followed through until he
was safe.  

As always, we are seeking to expand our efforts and provide more paid Life Coaches to
help fulfill the needs of our homeless, at-risk, foster, and sex-trafficked youth. As you
prepare your gifts this week, please consider a monthly donation to TOGETHER WE
THRIVE, or share this letter with someone in your circle who may be inspired to join you
in support of this important mission.

Join the Mission. 

Help us rewrite the stories for the many homeless, at-risk, foster, and sex-trafficked youth in North Texas.

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