Our Impact

2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR

In Schools

Our Life Coaches work in schools year round to help vulnerable youth see their potential, teach youth valuable life skills, and empower youth to achieve their goals. Our Life Coaches are carefully chosen professionals with college degrees, knowledge and experience in working with vulnerable youth. See how our team is helping to transform the lives of vulnerable youth! 


We have served 766 vulnerable youth across North Texas this school year.


This year, we had 9 support staff serving in schools across our community.


All of our youth successfully completed their school year.

Our Youth

Many of the youth we serve are in survival mode and from underserved communities. We believe that youth, no matter what their background or story, can accomplish great things. We see first hand the difference a consistent influence can make for youth. 


98% of our youth report that they can remain calm when facing difficulties because of the coping skills they have learned.


100% of youth in our program recognize their self-worth after working with a Life Coach.


95% of youth in our program think about the future before acting because of what they’ve learned with their Life Coach. 

3 out of 4 youth in our program feel that they have someone who listens, cares, and understands them.

Our Investment

We believe that our youth deserve our best, so we are intentional about investing our best time, resources, and talents in them every week.


Our Life Coaches have invested 5,834 hours with youth this school year.


This year, we had 193 volunteers serving in our community.


Our volunteers provided 3,322 hours of service to our youth and community.

1 in 3 youth are navigating life without a consistent adult influence. We aim to change that by providing Life Coaches in schools and youth programs across North Texas. We are proud to be a part of seeing vulnerable youth transform their lives that transform our community. Click below to see the impact our team made in the 2023-2024 school year.