What are you thankful for?
My list is deep and lengthy. I feel very blessed in so many ways! Always on my list are those of you that allow us to live out our mission to serve the thousands of homeless, at-risk, foster and sex trafficked youth across North Texas with your gracious donations. Without you, we could not be a part of the lives of young people that don’t have an adult in their life to lead and guide them. It’s hard to imagine, I know, especially in our country, and in our local communities. I asked the same question to some of the girls that I adore and am so blessed to do life with… Here is what they are thankful for: “I’m thankful for my freedom, a better outlook on life and the people that support me the most. Without you guys, I wouldn’t have hope for the future, never thought I had anyone that looks out for & could treat me better than my own family. It’s a good feeling being loved and appreciated.” ******************************************** “I’m thankful for heaters! They keep me warm from the cold.” ******************************************** “I’m thankful that I’m getting the opportunity to truly begin my life as an independent adult. And even though I am not feeling well right now, I still have so much support from you all. And not to mention how thankful I am for the nice and cozy place to live, study and soon work.” ********************************************** What perspective! We all have so much to be thankful for! I know it is a different season we are in, but I pray that this Thanksgiving is a special time for each of you and your loved ones and that you’re given the opportunity to take a moment to reflect and share what you’re thankful for. Many blessings to you and your family! May God bless you! |